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Get Rid of Shoulder Pain with Chiropractic

Written By Falling Waters Injury & Health Management Center on October 28, 2021

Shoulder Pain Treatment Falling Waters Injury and Health Management Center

You use and move your shoulder more than you might realize. In fact, the joint in the shoulder is the most flexible in the body. Most of us, even the least physically active, carry the risk of developing shoulder pain. However, athletes and those who are frequently physically active might be more susceptible. Shoulder pain affects millions of Americans and can be severe and debilitating.

Depending on the cause of your shoulder pain, chiropractic care and physical therapy can help you find relief, eliminating or postponing the need for surgery or medication. Contact us at Falling Waters Injury & Health Management Center in Bend, Oregon, if you are experiencing shoulder pain but want a non-invasive way to get some relief. 

What Is Causing My Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain can stem from dislocation, sprains and strains, tendonitis, rotator cuff injury, or other conditions. People who participate in sports that require excessive shoulder movement, like swimming and tennis, are more likely to experience rotator cuff injury, although it can affect anyone. Poor posture over time, as well as sudden traumatic injury, can cause shoulder pain to develop. 

Chiropractors work by first identifying the cause of your shoulder pain in order to inform their treatment. Any of a number of diagnostic tools, like X-rays or bone scans, might be used to help your chiropractor at Falling Waters determine the cause of your pain. Once the issue is identified, an effective treatment plan can be developed that attacks the issue at its core.

How Chiropractors Treat Shoulder Pain 

Our chiropractors and licensed physical therapists and massage therapists to deliver holistic pain relief through alignments, electrical stimulation, deep-tissue massage therapy, decompression, and other techniques. If your pain is being caused by prolonged issues with posture, we also provide tailored lifestyle advice to help you reduce your chances of future pain. 

In addition to these, there are other tools that chiropractors might employ to treat your specific pain. Schedule an appointment today to take the first step in managing your shoulder pain.

Schedule an Appointment Today

You might not have to resort to surgical methods and medication to treat your shoulder pain. Chiropractic care may be able to provide the relief you have been looking for. Schedule an appointment with us at Falling Waters Injury & Health Management Center in Bend, Oregon, to speak with our chiropractors, who can help you discover long-lasting relief.

Posted In: Chiropractic Physical Therapy Shoulder Pain Electrical Muscle Stimulation Massage Therapy